Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lie to Get Off of Jury Duty she Says

Crystal McCartney They should all be public hatred targets! And you all who say these people were forced to serve on a jury....NO THEY WERE NOT. All they had to do was give a "wrong" answer to a question. When asked if they had an opinion about the case, they should have answered YES! They let a child MURDERER walk free for God's sake!



I'm a thirty-something working mom of 3 with a passion and drive to create things! I love to create my own patterns, although sometimes it takes a few tries making something to get it just right :) I can't help but craft something while watching TV or just plain sitting!
  • Female
  • Born on May 14
  • Joined September 12, 2010

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Crystal McCartney discusses innocent humans as "public hatred targets".  Would you purchase anything from a woman who is openly stating that the jurors should have LIED to get off of jury duty?  

Jury duty is service as a juror in a legal proceeding. When a person is called for jury duty in the United States, that service is usually not optional: one must attend or face strict penalties. Employers are not allowed to fire an employee simply for being called to jury duty. (However, they are typically not required to pay salaries during this time.) When attended, potential jurors may be asked to serve as a juror in a trial, or they may be dismissed. See jury selection and Taylor v. Louisiana. Jury duty has been criticized by some libertarian groups asinvoluntary servitude[1] that is akin to conscription.[2][3]


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